sobota, 7 stycznia 2017

02- Bastards of Deserts

So why cyber mutant magus? Cyborgs, and cyberpunk give a lot of touch to characters. They may be deep as dream-abbys of morpheus or just simple hired guns, who care only about bounty. Pink haired Skinn with cyberguts or black dressed Neo will both be cyberpunks, located deep in their culture, rooted to their music style and philosophy. Cyber doesnt mean only cyborgs and grim- its a deep reflection of tomorow world, filled with dylema and thoughts. Cyber is just used to show the real face of character, hidden deep in their toughts and net-dreams or opened and popular just like a guitar star. Mutant, gives a touch, strong sugestion of post apo. They appear every where there are nukes, polution, deviation. It comes from all failed experiments and failures, both from technologicall but also with magical source. Mutants crawl all over tge slums of mars cities, deep inside the canals of new york (TMNT) and all abandoned scrap piles full of parts and loot that we cant perceve. Mutants are always thrown out from cociety and try to hide or fight against they common threat, joining into terifying cults and wild warbands. Just imagine now cyber mutants and all of combination that are posible with that mix. And now, spice it up with little bit of magic. Maybe its hard to accept- techno magical conection, but it gives great opurtunity to creare and develop new character and expand a world in all of different directions, not only dystopian fighting like in cyberpunk, not only wasteland banished for mutants but also an fantasy, with great range of expansion world. World, where cyborgs develope and exchange their flesh for new and rusty body parts. Where mutation come from all sources and might both an blessing nad curse. And where magic is flowing in air, almost touchable and in range of our hands. It gives great opurtunity. Cyber city filled with necromancers? Can do. MadMax's like warbands of Orc's, in all they green furry and crazy magic? They are there. Wizards with great wisdom, keeped alive for ages by their great wisdom and machines? Rhey are there, waiting for you on the desert. And this is why i think why the cyber fantasy keeped in post apo style is so great to create and persuade into it. It gives great inspiration and also- ist uncharted. Free to all of you to explore. And here some pictures. I hope ill be able to apload them the most.


classical pen and paper Role Playing Games, are my passion. Since i was eight years old, and my father had showed me this strange and beautifull hobby, there were almost no day, that i wasnt thinking abbout role-playing. all my thougths, during school, on weekends, last minutes before sleep- in some way were connected with RPG. when i draw, i always try to imagine who is the character im porraiting, how am i telling their story. when i read, i look deep into description of suroundings, look of characters, dialogues, motives. they all inspire me, when i take a place of gamemaster and rule the session. and olthough that there were not always an oportunity to play, the play and role are always inside of me. like a sponge, im soaked in ideas, and i think, they are at least worth enaught to spread and share them. im not saying that im rpg genius, or best player or something. i just think, that if we share our best thoughts, that just deserve to be shared, we all might just come only better at this deal. i was always using all free sources that had hekped and inspired me a lot. such websites like Donjon or Wizardawn had always a great resources, that could be used in dosen of different ways, that i'll describe later. Also some free music themes, or free rules - they all had great usage. purpose of this blog, is for me to share and repay in any form all the inspiration i took from all this guys who had done all of this resources. and i wish that maybe someone may be inspired even in little way just like i was. i will put here my personal rules, and also my advices, based on my wiev, how to write, rule and play. sometimes there will be asigned reports from my sessions, scribed rules of me and my friends and battle reports from miniature wargaming battles.